Explains the matter/antimatter balance, the size of the universe, the origin of gravity/all interacting forces/magnetism, the origin and distribution of dark matter, spacetime, faster-than-light travel, the formation of black holes, the lifecycle of supermassive black and white holes, electromagnetic waves, the ubiquitous rotation, and much more. – March 16, 2023
C-inertia stands for the speed of light minus inertia. What we call the observable universe is only the portion of matter traveling alongside us at a speed difference less than c.
by Michael Klejna, still in progress, translation by OpenAI
- 1. The C-inertia Theory
- 1.1. The C-inertia Theory and Black Holes
- 1.2. The C-inertia Theory and White Holes
- 1.3. The C-inertia Theory and the Big Bang
- 1.4. The C-inertia Theory and the Unified Formula
- 1.5. The C-inertia Theory and Time
- 1.6. The C-inertia Theory and Wormholes, Time Travel, Warp Drive, and Speeds Greater than c, the Speed of Light
- 1.7. How Black Holes Form According to the C-inertia Theory
- 2. Insights Drawn from the C-inertia Theory
- 3. Conclusion
1. The C-inertia Theory
1.1. The C-inertia Theory and Black Holes
In black holes, physics does not end, and there is no singularity. Under the pressure and heat conditions there, another aggregate state could exist, allowing energy and matter to exist more unbound than in plasma, such as demagnetized. This would follow the logic chain of “…field-guided / inertia-guided with field influences / inertia-guided…” which refers to increasing density.
In this context, demagnetized refers not to the particles themselves but to their interaction. The spin of quarks no longer aligns with universal fields but is shielded by the black hole, influencing the stability of hadrons.
1.1.1. The Formation of Dark Matter in the Black Hole
What if dark matter is formed when the neutron/proton ratio inside a black hole can be balanced even for heavy elements, possibly due to the isolation of the black hole in size of a spatial dimension (event horizon)? Stable super-heavy elements could be created, and when the black hole collapses at the end of its life, its remnants could remain in space as dark matter.
Dark matter formed in this way would correspond to the observed proportions of matter and energy from the Big Bang (collapse of the black hole’s shielding) through the end of the decoupling time, approximately 400,000 years later (extinguishing of the emerging energy/matter jets) to the present. Of the existing 63% of dark matter in the black hole, 23% is ejected on both sides of the rotation axis, leaving 17%, which either decays and remains as remnants of the black hole at its position, as observed in our observable universe.
These remnants would be challenging to observe, as the space in the immediate vicinity is empty, and they do not interact. The gravitational force, both in terms of mass and field strength, has been taken over for the region by another matter system, whether it is a black hole or just a galaxy arm. The Effect of Dark Matter
Due to it’s magnetic field this remaining dark matter would appear slightly positively charged in the matter galaxy arms created by its black hole and appear slightly negatively charged in the antimatter galaxy arms. Thus, it would be responsible for the neutron excess in large nuclides.
In other words, we live in a matter galaxy arm that has an antimatter twin. Originating from the same black hole but ejected in the opposite direction along the rotation axis, this antimatter twin consists of the same particle mix (or genetic material) as our galaxy arm. The only differences are the polarity and the development since the ejection due to the different influencing environment. If we could accelerate a telescope quickly enough towards the antimatter galaxy arm, it should become visible.
Furthermore, the remaining dark matter, due to its relative speed difference from the galaxy arms that originated from the same black hole as it did, would also be responsible for the main portion of the dark energy there. This assumes that other dark matter is further away, which is not the case in galaxy clusters with overlapping arms.
1.1.2. The Final Stage of Black Holes, How Galaxy Arms Form
Black holes end when they can no longer generate enough energy to maintain the field that shields them from the rest of the universe in size of a spatial dimension.
On one hand, the rotation of the black hole decreases due to friction, weakening its magnetic field sooner or later. Additionally, the barycenter, where the gravitational ramp generates the magnetic field, moves further away from the center of the black hole as nearby matter is swallowed and turned into energy, and distant matter is added due to the growing gravitational field. The result of insufficient containment is matter/energy eruptions along the rotation axis.
Since the barycenter’s movement involves a back-and-forth due to the elliptical relation to the surrounding mass, pulsation occurs. As the rotation axes of black holes also undergo precision, these matter/energy eruptions usually pulsate in different directions, forming galaxy arms.
1.2. The C-inertia Theory and White Holes
These matter/energy eruptions are white holes. Defined as the opposite of a black hole, they must consist of energy that cannot be penetrated. The largest observable eruption of this kind is called the Big Bang.
Originating from a black hole, this matter/energy beam rotates relative to the surrounding space in accordance with its source and contains, homogeneously broken down into its basic components, all the information available in the black hole.
1.3. The C-inertia Theory and the Big Bang
The eruption of the energy beam from the black hole thus corresponds to our definition of the Big Bang, viewed from the inside as part of it, but also resembles processes such as cell division when observed from the outside.
At the moment of the eruption, the material component falls back to the energetic component, forming the original gravitational potential for the respective galactic arm. Initially, this gravitational potential behaves in relation to the energy beam that gave birth to it or transports it. Once the beam extinguishes because the black hole has regained balance, the gravitational potential aligns itself with its relative motion in relation to the surrounding universe.
Both the rotation and the velocity of the ejected matter increasingly respond sluggishly as the matter clumps together. As long as the energy beam is active, this initially leads to a faster loss of velocity proportional to the mass. This effect reverses when the energy beam extinguishes, as then a greater mass leads to a longer retention of velocity and rotation.
This process starts with the lightest particles that gather at field line intersections, forming a barrier for heavier particles. The accumulated particles begin to rotate around the field lines until the rotating mass is large enough to break the stagnating field and create its own.
In the case of the formation of an element, quarks align stably enough at the field intersection to form a hadron capable of binding an electron.
In the case of the formation of a star, a accumulated cloud of particles collapses at the moment of generating its own field or breaking the stagnating field intersection. The lightest particles move fastest towards the new center, creating rotation, friction, and emitting energy in the form of radiation, stopping the slower particles on their way to the new center. Planets form at the new boundaries where magnetic fields, diffusion, friction, and radiation are in balance.
All local particle accumulations, whether atoms or stars, together follow the original gravitational potential for the respective galaxy arm, as they all exited the black hole with the same speed and now, after the extinction of the energy beam, collectively react to the conditions of the surrounding universe based on their common direction, rotation, and speed.
1.4. The C-inertia Theory and the Unified Formula
Thus, gravity, as well as all interacting forces, are passive forces and can be derived.
In other words, matter does not attract itself but gathers at field intersections and is held together from the outside. Within a newly forming field, it is only about diffusion, radiation, and friction, which, in turn, generate new fields, while the original field intersection keeps everything in position as long as it is not displaced until its dissolution.
Due to the original gravitational potential, matter/energy eruptions are mostly aligned along its axis and thus usually travel along a time axis. Once enough matter has clumped together, new black holes form until they also collapse, completing the cycle. This aligns with the mushroom-like structure and size fluctuation of the observable universe.
1.5. The C-inertia Theory and Time
This results in a time axis; rapidly forming matter systems relativize direction, rotation, and speed concerning their surroundings more slowly, creating a speed difference with the community of their original gravitational potential, the spacetime. The larger the matter system, the slower the adaptation. Therefore, one should always consider the age of a matter system in relation to its mass.
1.6. The C-inertia Theory and Wormholes, Time Travel, Warp Drive, and Speeds Greater than c, the Speed of Light
These spacetime pockets are the spearheads of a collectively traveling system of matter and its gravitational potential. Where some might suspect singularities or wormholes, there is nothing other than the bow waves of the original gravitational potential, pathways carved in the fabric of the universe by the largest clumps of matter, facilitated by the inertia of their mass. The remaining matter of a matter system benefits from their slipstream.
Consequently, if one had the opportunity to overtake a black hole, there would not be a wormhole encountered, but upon leaving the slipstream of the black hole, one would have to expend energy to shield oneself to the same extent from the influences of the surrounding universe. This energy would need to be greater than the difference between the masses of the overtaken black hole minus one’s own mass, multiplied by c², according to E=mc².
Even with an infinite supply of energy, this method would only allow escaping the influences of one surrounding space, but it wouldn’t enable self-acceleration beyond the speed of light. Speeds beyond the speed of light are only achievable relative to a target.
Approaching a point at 80% of the speed of light while that point is moving towards you at 80% of the speed of light results in a relative speed difference of 160% above the speed of light. This can only be achieved by joining matter systems already on a collision course with your target, similar to utilizing currents in maritime or aerial navigation.
The formation of a black hole is precisely the opposite.
1.7. How Black Holes Form According to the C-inertia Theory
According to the C-inertia Theory, the formation of white and black holes constitutes a cycle that reflects imbalances in the universe.
When a black hole collapses, the outgoing energy beam, through the carried matter, forms a new matter system, which, due to its inertia and the fluctuations of the surrounding space, begins to clump together.
When the energy beam extinguishes, the speed of the ejected matter system is defined by its relation to the space that surrounds it. This space, in turn, is itself a matter system that was once ejected in a certain direction. If both ejection directions are on a collision course, the gravitational potentials of their matter systems are also on a collision course.
While both matter systems flow into each other collision-free, each at, for example, 80% of the speed of light, the largest mass accumulation of the smaller system manages to maintain a speed of 60% of the speed of light, while smaller masses of the smaller system, such as planets, fail to maintain their speed. Instead, they are pulled in the opposite direction by the oncoming flow in the form of a stronger gravitational potential, after losing their own speed.
A portion of the matter from the original matter system changes direction, joins a new gravitational potential, and adjusts its speed in its slipstream.
When the planet, after changing its direction, reaches 40% of the speed of light, while the largest mass of its original matter system continues to maintain 60% of the speed of light in the opposite direction, a black hole is formed from the perspective of the planet.
2. Insights Drawn from the C-inertia Theory
2.1. We Are Not Alone
According to the C-inertia Theory, all known material and energetic systems strive for balance. No process is known that could be called an action.
Furthermore, the largest of all systems must be an isolated system.
For isolated systems, action equals reaction.
Since we only observe reactions, either someone or something outside has created an artificial isolated system and influenced it, thereby disrupted its balance.
Or someone or something within the largest of all systems has created this imbalance. Surely, this was not a human.
Matter and energy alone do not act, yet here we are. Calling the intention and ability to change something life implies that we are not alone.
2.2. The C-inertia Theory and E=mc²
If we understand mass as energy in three-dimensional form, we can add or subtract spatial dimensions by multiplication or division by c.
E=mc² is the energy needed to occupy a three-dimensional volume in space with mass instead of energy.
E/c=Mc is the energy needed to occupy a two-dimensional surface with mass without displacing energy. In a three-dimensional universe, energy decreases radially, so the surface, without further influence, is always a spherical surface.
E/c²=M is the energy needed to move mass from one point.
2.3. We Are Not at the Center of Creation
Not even close; cosmic background radiation was not born with us. At the moment of the extinction of the matter/energy beam giving birth to us, cosmic background radiation could penetrate to us.
We are more like better soap bubbles that burst when poked with a stick and whose lifespan depends entirely on the stability of their environment.
3. Conclusion
Secondary but nonetheless, accelerating telescopes to the highest possible speed will help us better understand our position.
Intelligence is worthless in a reactive system of matter and energy if it is not used to shape the system according to its own demands.
This does not refer to highly technical artificial habitats since these would inevitably collapse without permanent maintenance from Earth. Instead, it means using knowledge of matter and energy to bring them into an equilibrium that is enabling life without technology, wherever possible.